New Department for Science, Innovation and Technology

Good news for new start-ups and inventors.


Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has recently announced the creation of a new Science, Innovation and Technology Department, which comes as a welcome move for UK innovation. With more focused political energy being put behind the UK’s innovation and start-up businesses, along with providing a more prominent and dedicated voice in Whitehall.


The move will bring quantum, AI, engineering biology, semiconductors, future telecoms – along with life sciences and green technologies, into a single department, under the newly appointed Science, Innovation and Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan.

With an increased level of investment we hope to see a jump in UK innovation, a move with coincides with the recent expansion of PatProtect and the services we provide.


One key which UK start-ups and inventors should always consider is the protection of their intellectual property, in the form of Patents for inventions and Trademarks for the new business and the names of the new goods. At PatProtect, we specialise in the application, protection and prosecution of Patents and Trademarks, and provide you and your business with expert legal advice on how to maximise the protection of your business and invention, while adding a valuable asset in intellectual property rights to your accounts.


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